Malvern Wells Yoga

Smile, it's yoga! Yoga classes in the Malvern area.

About friends

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I love my friends.  My mates.  My chums.  My buddies.  The Kindred Spirits.  The ones who’ve seen me cry.  The ones who know my bra size (seriously classified information, people!).

My friends from school, the majority of whom I am still in touch with via Facebook.  It’s amazing to see us all grown up, with jobs and kids.  I honestly never thought that I would meet anyone else like them.  I like to think we were the closest knit group of friends ever and that the camaraderie will never be surpassed… and actually it probably won’t because we’re adults now and drinking Thunderbird on the school playing field on Friday nights is just not cool anymore!

Over the last couple of years I’ve met some amazing people.  Fellow yogis, business people, work colleagues, people from Twitter, people I’ve met through music, long lost family members on Facebook, the people who attend my yoga classes…  D’you know what though?  I hardly get to spend any time with any of them.

Recently I’ve become friends with a few really inspirational people who are more accessible to me, by virtue of the fact that they live in the same town as me!  But you just know when special people enter your life.  The sort of people who make you feel amazing, like you can do anything.  They believe in me, they get me.  They make me happy when I’m around them.

Don’t get me wrong, I carve my own path.  I don’t need the affirmation or admiration of those around me but what I do need is that simplistic good fun element you get when you’re with great friends… whether that’s getting high on caffeine with a fellow yoga teacher (seriously, 3 shots man!), being manhandled into Pincha Mayurasana by my Yoga BFF or tramping through a park in Vienna in heels and a posh frock… these are those priceless friend moments that everyone needs.

I have so many lovely people in my life right now, new friends and old.  I love each and every one of you.

I urge you to make time for your friends.  You never know when they’re going to move to Australia!

Claire & Me

Up to good stuff in Claire’s yoga room
Image from

Author: MWYogaKat

RYT-200 Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher. Fluent French and Spanish speaker. I also play a bass clarinet. I own a classic Jag. I love my husband and our 3 cats.

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